Connective Issue #24

MIB News
Connective Issue #24

Volume 24 | August 7, 2024

Hope Comes in Many Colors

From July's yellow (Sarcoma Awareness) to September's gold (Childhood Cancer Awareness), we find hope in every shade. Our FACTOR conference attendees, our vibrant Junior Advisory Board, and our Prayer Agents all contribute golden hues to this canvas of hope.

We're also painting with progress:

- Each of our FACTOR conference attendees who shared research, insights, and real-world experiences added a new shade to our collective hope. Check out the photos, highlights video, and conference proceedings.

- Our Junior Advisory Board is a vibrant rainbow of hope and we are thrilled to introduce our new JAB president, Samantha Ulloa, whose passion and dedication promise to bring fresh energy and innovative ideas to our mission.

- Please consider participating in our Prayer Agents program which encompasses a spectrum of spirituality to send positive thoughts for OsteoWarriors and Angels.

- Scientists working on scRNAseq and spatial profiling in osteosarcoma, we invite you to join the CURE-OS working group ((Collaborative Understanding of the Range and Evolution of Osteosarcoma Single-cells)

- With each discovery, researchers add another hue to our palette of hope. We aim to support this crucial work in every possible way, including our grant funding opportunities resource.

- We encourage patients and clinicians to explore CURE ID, a platform for reporting off-label drug use. Each report and success story brings a new color of possibility.

Thank you to everyone in our colorful community for creating hope and driving change.

With hope,


Save The Date


Become a Bow Agent

Bow season is almost here! Our Bow Agent Volunteers are gearing up to launch their bow sales in communities nationwide. Will you join us? Our stunning gold bows will brighten neighborhoods and towns across the country during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Sign up now to become a Bow Agent Volunteer!

Sign Up to Be a Bow Agent

Relive the highlights from FACTOR 2024 and if you weren't able to attend, you can live vicariously through our highlights video, photo album, and published conference proceedings that include abstracts. We are already looking forward to seeing you again at FACTOR 2025!

Stay tuned for dates and location.

View Photos

View Video

Read Abstracts

Spotlight on OsteoWarrior Samantha Ulloa

We are proud to introduce Samantha (Sammy) Ulloa as our incoming MIB Agents Junior Advisory Board President! Sammy has been a member of the Junior Advisory Board and panelist on both our OsteoBites webinar series and our osTEAo AYA podcast. A native Californian, Sammy was diagnosed in 2022 when she was 19 and is NED now at 21 years old. We asked Sammy to share her thoughts on the transition from treatment to monitoring, her experiences this year on the Junior Advisory Board, and what she hopes to accomplish in the next year in her leadership role.

Learn More About Samantha

Career Connections

- Associate or Full Professor (Program Head, Sarcoma Program) - UW

- Postdoctoral Fellow, Sarcoma Medical Oncology - MDACC

- Associate Professor, Sarcoma Team - UPenn

- Assistant Professor, Sarcoma - OHSU

- NCI Immunotherapy Fellowship

- Pediatrics - Oncology Sarcoma (Professor) - Baylor College of Medicine

- Sarcoma Oncologist - Georgetown Cancer Institute

- Research Opportunities (Sarcoma) - WUSTL, Van Tine Lab

- Sarcoma Oncology, Assistant to Full Professor - Roswell Park

- Pediatric Oncology Solid Tumor Clinician Educator - Stanford

- Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Hem-Onc - CHLA

- Scientist, Osteosarcoma Cell Therapy Initiative, UCSF Roybal Lab, Allen Lab

- Director of the CSU Flint Animal Cancer Center

If you have a job posting and you would like it included here, please email


OsteoBites Webinar Series

Aug 8 | Diana Azzam, PhD
Clinical Utility of Functional Precision Medicine to Guide Treatments for Osteosarcoma Patients
Aug 15 | osTEAo AYA Podcast
Clear Scans...So Now What?
Aug 22 | Brigitte Brisson, DMV, DVSc, DACVS
Magnetic Resonance Guided (MRg) High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) For Palliation of Canine Appendicular Osteosarcoma
Aug 29 | Elly Barry, MD, MMSc
Fit for Filing Academic Clinical Trials: An Industry Perspective

Watch Past Episodes and See the Upcoming Schedule

Tumor Review Board for Osteosarcoma

A virtual tumor review board for osteosarcoma, TURBO is open to global clinicians or researchers with an interest in osteosarcoma. Patients and families are welcome to ask their oncologists to present a case on their behalf.

Join TURBO to request an invite or submit a case.

NEXT MEETING DATE: September 11th at 5pm ET

Join Turbo

Osteosarcoma in the News

- Synchrotron nano-FTIR spectroscopy for probing anticancer drugs at subcellular scale

- LncRNA HOXA-AS3 promotes cell proliferation and invasion via targeting miR-218-5p/FOXP1 axis in osteosarcoma

- Identification of a pro-protein synthesis osteosarcoma subtype for predicting prognosis and treatment

- Senhwa Biosciences seeks US FDA nod for phase I/II study of Silmitasertib in combo with chemotherapy in children and young adults with relapsed refractory solid tumours

- Mapping the Single-Cell Differentiation Landscape of Osteosarcoma

- TrkA+ sensory neurons regulate osteosarcoma proliferation and vascularization to promote disease progression


Prayer Agents

Prayer Agents is a favorite Program of the MIB Community.  On the First Sunday of each month, we post an original prayer on social media, composed by clerics or spiritual leaders from a wide variety of faiths and practices. We are so fortunate to have a mighty group of MIB Prayer Agents who are each sent the lists of both OsteoWarriors and OsteoAngels, whose families have requested their inclusion for the intentions.  

Parents or legal guardians may request a child to be added to the prayer list, and we welcome new Prayer Agents to join our forces.

If you have a prayer to submit, or would like to recommend a cleric or spiritual leader to compose a prayer for our children, please email

Add to Prayer List

Become a Prayer Agent


Join the Osteosarcoma scRNAseq Working Group

CURE-OS (Collaborative Understanding of the Range and Evolution of Osteosarcoma Single-cells) is a working group dedicated to establishing standardized procedures for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of single-cell data in osteosarcoma.

The working group goals are to:
1. Disseminate knowledge through talks and collaborative review papers.
2. Develop and implement standardized experimental protocols and analysis methods.
3. Create a shared, online repository for OS single-cell research data.

Interested in joining this effort? Email

Research Funding Opportunities

In addition to our OutSmarting Osteosarcoma research grant program, MIB Agents strives to help fund and support osteosarcoma research by connecting researchers to grant opportunities. Check out our Funding Opportunities resource to find grant opportunities. Some upcoming deadlines:

OREF Grants - LOI due 8/12/24

Sarcoma UK Open Grant Round (UK only) - due 9/5/24

AKC Canine Health Foundation Clinician-Scientist Fellowships - due 9/6/24

Conquer Cancer/The ASCO Foundation YIA Award - due 9/19/24

NCI SBIR Innovative Concept Award - due 9/23/24

Curing Kids Cancer - due 9/30/24

Find Funding Opportunities

CURE ID Collecting Sarcoma Cases

CURE ID is a website and mobile app which enables healthcare providers, patients, and care partners to share their real-world treatment experiences with existing medications that are being used in a new way, through a simple online case report form on their smartphone or computer. CURE ID captures treatment outcomes when medications are used to treat new diseases, beyond the conditions they were originally studied for (e.g., drug repurposing or off-label use). Healthcare providers, patients, and care partners can submit case reports to help identify promising new uses of medications. The systematic collection of real-world treatment experiences reported to CURE ID can serve as a resource for the community to share information where no FDA-approved product that is proven to be safe and effective exists for the disease in question. All the cases that are collected are made openly accessible. Questions? Contact

Submit a Case

Explore Cases

If you have a trial that is currently enrolling osteosarcoma patients, please email

All MIB Agents programs are free of charge, thanks to donors like you who Make it Better. Please consider a donation to support osteosarcoma patient programs, education, and research. 

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