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Angel Wall

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Adyson Olivia Franz

Alec Ingram

Alec loved life and handled everything with such grace. He fought with everything he had for 4.5 yrs.

Alex Bertran

Alex Meeker

Alexander Etheridge

Aliyah Dees

Aliyah loved fashion, Instagram, trap music, her IPhone, her family, friends and her pups. She bravely accepted her diagnosis, amputation and Her Lord and Savior. Not once did she question why.

Allen DeDon

Allen DeDon

Ally Tamayose

LIVE LIKE ALLY is the way Ally approached life. Ally didn’t let her diagnosis define her and she was able to used her story to spread awareness about Osteosarcoma to help other children like her. She encouraged everyone to cherish life and strive to make it better.

Alyssa Divers

Alyssa Divers

Amadeo Castillo

Andrew Woodruff

Angel Jauregui

Angel Wilson

Angel Wilson

Anna Kitada

Anna loved soccer, art, reading, Harry Potter, and being with friends. Her smile lit up a room and she was such a positive force. She is loved and missed, always and forever.

Anna Snopek

Anna was a blessing to all of us. She loved life and lived it with great love for her siblings, family, friends and her Lily cat. Anna loved reading, learning and studying her college course work, Scrabble, card and board games, knitting, and music. Her joy and talent playing flute and piano was a beautiful gift to all of us. Her music filled our house and our hearts. Anna was so caring, compassionate, considerate, caring, kind and helpful to everyone. She was beautiful inside and out and we miss her so incredibly much.

Annaleigh Grilo

Austin Beatty

Austin Cohen

Austin was a very interesting guy with many interests and hobbies. He was funny with the ability to make you belly laugh. Austin loved fishing as you can see by the smile on his face in this picture. He loved any kind of fishing, whether at the edge of the creek or pond, on grandpa Mark's small boat or deep sea fishing. He also loved photography, his bull dog Tank, his jeep, playing football, glass art, supporting his high school football team and he loved to be there for listening and solving problems when you needed him. He has taught us all so much about living life with a positive outlook and we miss him every single day.

Austin Guidry

Austin was a 13 year old boy who absolutely loved fishing and spending time with his family and friends. He was the sweetest, loving boy and best protective, caring big brother.

Avery Juarez

Our beautiful Avery loved volleyball and basketball. She loved school, her friends and loved to read. She was diagnosed in June 2022 and fought a hard, short battle.

Balian Tsosie

He loves sharks, facts and homemade tacos. He is out running in the mountains and exploring the deep seas.

Benjamin Atkins

Benjamin Hawkes

Benjamin Hawkes enjoyed school excelled both academically & at sports.

Brandon Hicks

Brandon was a fun, basketball loving 15 year old. His entire life he played a sport of some kind, but his true love was basketball. He played year round, whether it be for the school or a rec league. Less than 2 months before his 16th birthday we received the devastating news that he had osteosarcoma in his right femur, would need the tumor removed,and would never be able to play basketball again; His life was shattered that day, but this kid was a true fighter, after chemo, surgery, more chemo and other surgeries, he was in remission.

Braylie Kellogg

Braylie fought cancer twice in her life. Age 4 an 15. She passed with the second diagnosis unfortunately due to complications. She was a beautiful strong loving soul.

Brendan Jaramillo

A friend to all. A protector of the little guy. Hilarious. A hero to very many.

Brennan Houghton

Brennan Riley

Brennan was a sweet, compassionate and shy kiddo. He loved spending time with the family with board and card games. He loved camping, motorcycle riding, swimming, shooting and cars. We know his is Heaven with our Savior and is no more pain.

Brent Ramer

Brent Ramer

Brenton Gaudreault

Briana Loeding

AKA lil b and Bee. 8-years-old, from Bartlett, IL. Loved her family, dogs and cats, Minecraft, YouTube, painting, rainbows, and the color blue.

Brianna Renay Sanchez

Brianna will forever be missed.

Brock Gumm

Brock Gumm

Brooke Peterson Gabster

Brooke lived her life joyfully, deliberately, and at three times the pace of most anyone. Adventurous and fun, she was also public-spirited, full of grit and determination, and deeply loving. Absolutely there for all those in her life, she also eagerly embraced learning and challenges. An MD and internal medicine resident in the global health track at Stanford when she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in February 2019, she aspired to improve cancer care in developing countries. She ultimately advocated on behalf of patient-centered medicine and taught us all much about grace.

Brooklynn Miller

Cailin Cannella

Cailin was an avid competitive swimmer, medaling at Age Group Championships &earning a spot on the FL Zone Team. She attended Academy of Holy Names in Tampa, FL. She was equally strong in the classroom, recognized in 6th grade with the perseverance award, which is now named in her honor. Struggling for each breath, Cailin fought till the end. She smiled & said "Mommy, put your face next to mine." She then softly whispered, "Mommy, I GOT THIS!" Her final words proved she never lost hope.

Cameron Bottelberghe

Carlo Minasi

Carmen Orellana

Carmen was an extraordinary human! Her heart was huge. She cared about others more than she cared about what she was going through. She was smart and brave and was really going places in life. But osteosarcoma took that from her.

Caroline Richards

Carson Hartwig

Carson Lewis

Carson Lewis will always be remembered as a true warrior. Not only because of his fierce battle with osteosarcoma, but also a warrior of peace and justice. Carson from a young age spoke up for others that couldn't or wouldn't advocate for themselves. He is loved by everyone who met him and has changed the lives of many for the better. Among many things, he loved bumble bees and often reminded us to "save the bees". As a result, bumble bees serve as a pleasant reminder of him and to help those that need us. Carson will always live in the heart of his Nanna, his sibling, his sisters and his parents. Carson is missing from us, and we love him immensely.

Carter Mock

Carter had a joy for life and lived in the moment. He loved to spend his days climbing, biking, camping, swimming, and doing anything outside. He had a love of practical jokes and never left home without fake cockroaches to scare his next victim. Carter taught many people how to be tough and to live everyday to its fullest.

Catherine Kelly

Catherine lived a life full of kindness, gentleness, good humor, warmth and love especially love for her 9 children and her husband Jim. She radiated acceptance and grace to all those she encountered. Catherine was anything but ordinary. She was an absolutely beautiful person inside and out. She could always be counted on for a good laugh, a warm smile and an open door to her family's home. Catherine was extraordinary especially at her battle against cancer and never gave up faith, and her dedication to her family and amidst her difficult journey she still offered joy and kindness to others. She remained kind and full of love.

Cayleigh Pepper

Cecilia Nguyen

Charlotte Murdoff

Charlotte's warmth radiated through her sparkly blue eyes and beautiful smile. She was full of hope, humor, love and determination. No one did life quite like Charlotte.

Chase Bailey

Chase Lucas

Chase loved his family, his dogs, his girlfriend and his cars! He had the best personality, a huge heart and an infectious smile! He is missed beyond words.

Cheyenne DeValasco

Chris Taylor

Christien Mikhail Quiles

Claire Moody

Clayton Laupus

Conner Crossan

Connor Boyle

Connor had a quiet determination about him whether he was on the football field, pitcher’s mound, classroom, or fighting cancer. Connor was loved by his family and friends. Connor and his sister, Mackenzie, while 3 and half years apart had an amazing bond, they could make each other laugh like no one else could.To those that knew and loved Connor, the word most commonly used to describe him was 'perseverant'. No matter the obstacles or setbacks, he continued to move forward, remain hopeful, and work towards his goals. Connor was deeply loved and he has asked his family to honor his memory by helping children and teenagers fight osteosarcoma.

Damon Billeck

Damon (13) "Super D" was a Super Hero. He fought for other kids even though he was a kid himself. He wore a Captain America uniform to make other kids feel better. He was a Community Activist & Spokeskid. He caught the eye of Buddy Valastro, Katie Couric & Chris Evans. Heroes Never die! They become Legends!

Daniel Garcia Beech

Darcie Lynn McCoy

Darcie loved being outdoors, riding dirt bikes, playing sports but her daddy and animals were her world. She was the most loving, caring, but stubborn little girl. She will be missed but everyone that got a chance to know her

David "Seth" Wright

Seth had a love for family. Through all his pain, he never complained and always smiled. He had a love for music and collecting Funki Pops and Marvel. He loved Seattle Seahawks and UT! Seth will be missed dearly.